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Subjects in 10th Standard: A Well-Rounded Guide

10th standard

Thinking about what subject combination will fetch you higher marks in 10th standard? Your school will only tell you the ones that they can offer you but not all the subjects that your board allows…

Class 10th is undoubtedly the first academic milestone a student needs to go through. Needless to say, after passing class 10th every student must have a few questions haunting them.

But before you explore this post further– Pause. Reflect. Understand.

List of subjects in 10th standard

Following are the subject combination for class 10th CBSE:

SubjectsName of the Subjects
Subject 1 – CompulsoryLanguage 1 (Hindi or English Language & Literature)
Subject 2– CompulsoryLanguage 2 (Any one from the group of languages {other than language chosen at Subject 1)
Subject 3– CompulsoryMathematics
Subject 4– CompulsoryScience
Subject 5– CompulsorySocial Science
Subject 6 – OptionalSkill subject from the group of skill subjects
Subject 7 – OptionalLanguage 3/Any Academic subject other than opted above
Subject 8 & 9 – Assessment and Certification at School Level – Co-Scholastic AreasArt Education Health & Physical Education Work Experience

10th standard Maths

Mathematics/Maths is a study of numbers and is often the most hated subject for students, and is sometimes the most popular in terms of spending and applications even in arts, engineering, and sports.

10th standard Maths

Maths is one of the scoring subjects for many 10th graders. The Board has modified the CBSE Class 10 Mathematics syllabus from time to time in accordance with the development of the subject and the emerging needs of society. The current CBSE Mathematics Syllabus for Class 10 has been designed according to the National Curriculum Framework 2005. There are two levels of Mathematics in CBSE Class 10. Explore all the details about CBSE Mathematics Syllabus for Class 10 below.

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Syllabus of 10th standard Maths

Unit NameMarks
Number system06
Coordinated Geometry06
Statistics & Probability11

Books for 10th standard Maths

  1. Mathematics – Textbook for Class X – NCERT Publication
  2. Guidelines for Mathematics Laboratory in Schools, Class X – CBSE Publication
  3. Laboratory Manual – Mathematics, Secondary Stage – NCERT Publication
  4. Mathematics Exemplar problems for Class X, NCERT Publication.

Scope or Career Opportunities of Maths in 10th standard

It will be beneficial for students who want to pursue PCM (Physics, Chemistry, Maths) or commerce with Maths in class 12th. Professionals with a mathematical background can pursue a career in various industries such as engineering, education, finance, banking, e-commerce, etc. Job opportunities are varied and high paying.

Read about the other important information after 10th board:

Subject Combinations In Class 10What After 10ThCourses After 10Th
Which Stream Is Best After 10ThExams After 10Th 

10th standard English

English is a compulsory subject taught to students of class 10th. It is one of the official languages ​​of India and the most widely spoken language in the world.

Syllabus of 10th standard English

ReadingQuestion-based on the following kinds of unseen passages: 1. Discursive passage of 400-450 words. 2. Case-based passage (with visual input- statistical data, chart, etc.) of 200-250 words. 3. (Total length of two passages to be 600-700 words Multiple Choice Questions / Objective Type Questions will be asked to assess inference, analysis, interpretation, evaluation, and vocabulary.  
Writing1. Formal Letter based on a given situation in 100-120 words. One out of two questions are to be answered. 2. Writing an Analytical Paragraph (100-120 words) on a given Map / Chart / Graph / Cue/s. One out of two questions is to be answered.
Grammar1. Tenses 2. Modals 3. Subject-verb concord 4. Reported speech Commands and requestsStatementsQuestionsDeterminers
LiteratureFirst Flight Prose 1. A letter to God 2. Nelson Mandela – Long Walk to Freedom 3. Two Stories About Flying 4. From the Diary of Anne Frank 5. Glimpses of India 6. Mijbil the Otter 7. Madam Rides the Bus 8. The Sermon at Benares 9. The Proposal (Play)   Poems 1. Dust of Snow 2. Fire and Ice 3. A tiger in the Zoo 4. How to Tell Wild Animals 5. The Ball Poem 6. Amanda! 7. The Trees 8. Fog 9. The Tale of Custard the Dragon 10. For Anne Gregory   FOOTPRINTS WITHOUT FEET 1. A triumph of Surgery 2. The Thief’s Story 3. The Midnight Visitor 4. A Question of Trust 5. Footprints Without Feet 6. The making of a Scientist 7. The necklace 8. Bholi 9. The Book That Saved the Earth

Books for 10th standard English

Below are the books prescribed by CBSE Syllabus for Class 10 English 2023-2024. These books are published by NCERT and students are advised to read these NCERT Class 10 English Textbooks first and then proceed to any reference book. With the help of these best books for CBSE 10th English, students can easily familiarize themselves with the CBSE 10th English Syllabus 2023-2024.

  1. First Flight – Textbook for Class X
  2. Footprints without Feet – Supplementary Reader for Class X

Scope or Career Opportunities of English in 10th standard

English is becoming more and more common in the world. As a result, more and more people are devoting time to learning English as a second language. In fact, many countries include it in their school curricula to teach children the language from an early age. It is a compulsory subject taught to students of class 10th. It is one of the official languages ​​of India and the most widely spoken language in the world.

10th standard Science

Science is another important subject and is often the most hated subject for students. But Science is one of the scoring subjects for many 10th graders.

Biology, chemistry, and physics involve learning about food, materials, the living world, how things work, things that move, people and ideas, natural phenomena, and natural resources. The focus is on knowledge and skills to develop a scientific attitude and the use and application of such knowledge to improve the quality of life. The subject of science plays an important role in the development of well-defined abilities in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor spheres in children. It enhances the spirit of inquiry, creativity, objectivity, and aesthetic sensibility.

Syllabus of 10th standard Science

Unit I: Chemical Substances – Nature and BehaviourChemical reactions, Acids, bases and salts, Acids, bases and salts, Carbon compounds
Unit II: World of LivingLife processes, Control and co-ordination in animals and plants, Reproduction, Heredity and Evolution
Unit III: Natural PhenomenaReflection of light by curved surfaces, Refraction of light by a spherical lens, Refraction of light through a prism, etc
Unit IV: Effects of CurrentElectric current, Magnetic effects of current
Unit V: Natural ResourcesOur environment

Books for 10th standard Science

Following is the list of books prescribed for the students of CBSE 10th standard

  1. Exemplar Problems Class X – NCERT Publication
  2. Laboratory Manual-Science-Class X, NCERT Publication
  3. Science-Textbook for class X-NCERT Publication

Scope or Career Opportunities of Science in 10th standard

It will be beneficial for students who want to pursue PCM (Physics, Chemistry, Maths) or PCB (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) in class 12th. Professionals with a Science background can pursue a career in various industries such as engineering, doctor, education, technology, etc. Job opportunities are varied and high paying.

Final Words

Through this post, we have tried to give you an understanding of various subjects in 10th standard. Choosing the right subject combination is a very challenging job as there are numerous choices to make. We recommend you carefully evaluate each option keeping your interests in mind.

However, career planning is a very intense job. So, it’s better to seek expert opinions from unbiased counselors and we at iDreamCareer always believe in helping young minds discover their true mettle. We try to help young confused minds from 9th class10th classclass 11, and class 12 to select their most-suited career choices.

Also Read:


Is 10th standard maths difficult?

As a result, the difficulty level of the standard exam was much higher than the baseline. Level 10 Maths Basic Exam questions are easy, all questions have been set by NCERT itself. Students can easily attempt to answer all the questions within the time limit without facing any difficulty.

What are the subjects in 10th grade?

The CBSE Class 10 syllabus is for five subjects – English, Mathematics, Social Science, Hindi and Science.

How many hours a 10th grade student should study?

A student should study for 7-10 hours a day. If you spend more time, you might get exhausted. So 7-10 hours is the maximum time you should devote to studying.

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