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A Career Planning Program That Puts You on the Path to Sure Success

Right Career Planning is half your job done in crafting a successful future ahead. Our Career Planning Program helps you choose the right steam, the right course, from the right university/college and the right country, all depending on your need.

Why opt for our Career Planning Program?

areer Planning is important to set yourself in the right direction at the onset of your career. With professional guidance, psychometric tests, and multiple human-to-human interactions, you will be ready to make quick movements leading to sure success.
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Plan for a career that is fulfilling & motivating

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Enter into professions that you will be delighted about

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Take the first steps towards a meaningful journey

Steps of Our Career Planning Program

With our 100% guarantee for Data Privacy & UNBIASEDcareer planning services, we will help you make cautious decisions that will put your career in the right direction.

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Career Dashboard

Career Dashboard Get access to our career dashboard and get information on 530+ careers, 21,000+ colleges, 1150+ entrance exams, 1100+ scholarships from 15+ countries. Be in a position where you know the options beyond you.

Psychometric Tool

Our psychometric tool assesses students on 16 factors covering aptitude, personality & interest. Available in English, Hindi & 6 other languages, our tool has been administered to over 1.95 million students, attaining the highest possible reliability & validity. The assessment results in a 16-page career report giving recommendations of the top careers.

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One on One Guidance Session

iDC brings to you a one-stop-solution to get answers to all your career-related questions in a 30 Minute 1-on-1 session with industry leading Expert Career Counsellors! Get access to a curated Career Dashboard and Student Community so you are up to date with all things careers!

Regular Support

Our career counselors are there with you at a click of a button. From your career dashboard you can simply chat with our career experts and ask any query related to your career and college application process.

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College Application

With our Explore program, we help you in just not finalising colleges and courses, but further help you in college applications and selecting the right scholarships as well. Our counselors will help you in the entire process until you get into a college.

Study Abroad Guidance

With our Study Abroad Program, we help you in not just finalizing the country but also in selecting the right course college, and also guide you in study abroad scholarship procedure. Our study abroad professionals will also help you in building your profile, and will help you in evaluating your LOR/SOP so that you can complete your dream of studying abroad.

Reviews & Testimonials

iDreamCareer hosts the finest career planners in the country. By laying stress on the importance of career planning and creating unbiased career planning programs, we have been able to set a trend for sucessful career journeys.

iDC Mentor helped me in sorting out my Career related issues. I specially loved it because iDC’s Assessment Test combined with their counseling session can really sort out any person’s future

Aditya Khurana, Class Xth (DPS Mathura Rd)

By joining the iDC Inform program, I got to know about the main colleges and courses to pursue and clarity about my career path. It was a great experience!

Kartik Arora, Class XIIth (DPS Maruti Kunj, Gurgaon)

I really like how the counselor cleared all my doubts with patience and interest. The assessment report helped me understand my strengths and gave a detailed insight on best career paths.

Student, Class 12, Modern School, Vasant Vihar

FAQs About Career Planning Program by iDC

iDreamCareer has been providing Career Planning through its trained Career Planners to Indian students from the last 8 years. We have passionately planned the careers of 2.5 million students from 4800+ schools across India and Middle East. Here are some questions that we commonly need to answer.

A career planning program is a career mentoring program where a trained and certified career counsellor studies your aptititute, interests and related means to suggest you the best possible career option.
Everyone who wants to have a career, which he is always satisfied with, should go for a career planning program. Since the process involves understanding your own abilities, prefrences, dislikes and such, you would always find yourself working in a career of your choice that you enjoy and adore.

Career Planners are professionals who are trained to guide students and professionals towards a successful career. They understand human psycology and can read psychometric reports well in order to guide the aspirant to the best career choice for him.

If you are in class 8th, you can start your career planning journey. The importance of career planning is overlooked by many people which is a very bad practise. Esentially, anyone from class 8th to final year of graduation can opt for a career planning program to reach a stable conclusion about his career journey.

A career planner provides assistance in choosing the right career option depending on the student’s profile. It is very useful as they can inform you about scholarship deadlines, best admission sessions, exam dates (e.g., GMAT/IELTS/TOEFL) and what universities offer and what intakes.

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Understand your Aptitude, Personality and Interests with this 16 pages detailed report!


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