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NEST Exam Syllabus and Pattern for a Better Understanding of the Exam

NEST Exam Syllabus and Pattern

The NEST exam syllabus is an important aspect for candidates preparing to appear for the NEST exam. It is designed to assess the aptitude and knowledge of aspiring students in the fields of science and mathematics. The NEST exam is highly competitive and widely recognized for its comprehensive syllabus. The NEST exam syllabus consists of various subjects, including physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and general knowledge. It is specially focused on fundamental concepts and problem-solving skills.

By thoroughly understanding the NEST exam syllabus, candidates can effectively plan their preparation, identify areas of strength and weakness, and plan appropriate strategies to excel in the examination. Engaging in focused study and practice within the framework of the syllabus will enable candidates to enhance their knowledge. It will also develop the necessary skills to achieve a commendable score in the NEST exam.

NEST Exam Pattern Highlights

Let’s look at the highlights of the Nest exam pattern. It will help you have a clear idea to judge the outline of the exam. This will help you understand the exam in a better way.

Exam NameNEST 2023
Examination ModeOffline (pen and paper-based)
Number of papers01
Total Sections05
SubjectsPhysics, General Awareness, Chemistry, maths, and Biology
Question TypeMCQ
Total Questions230
Total Marks180
Exam Duration180 minutes
Medium of the ExamEnglish

Preparing for NEST Exam? Check out the NEST Exam 2023 Exam details here!

NEST Exam Pattern Details

The NEST 2023 question paper is divided into different sections, and each section carries a different level of importance. The questions in the NEST 2023 Exam are designed to assess the candidate’s ability to analyze and understand the subjects. Now, let’s take a closer look at the details of the question paper.

SectionsTotal Number of Questions
General Ability30

NEST Exam Marking Scheme

The way marks are awarded in the NEST exam varies depending on the sections and the type of questions. The marking scheme differs for each section, and it also takes into account the specific question types used in the exam.

SectionsNegative Marking
Section 1: General AbilityNo negative marking
All Other Sections+2.5/-1

According to the exam website, certain questions in the NEST exam may have one or more correct answers. In order to earn marks for these questions, it is essential to select all the correct answers and ensure that no wrong answers are marked.

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NEST Exam Syllabus 2023

Now that you are completely aware of the NEST exam pattern, it is high time that you should be focusing on the NEST exam syllabus. For NEST 2023, candidates should concentrate on five main subjects: General Ability, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology. Below is an elaborate syllabus provided for each of these subjects.

General Ability Syllabus

This section assesses the candidate’s general knowledge and understanding of current affairs. It may cover topics such as history, geography, politics, science, and other relevant subjects. Some of the general topics in this section include:

NEST Exam General Ability Syllabus
Current AffairsGeneral Knowledge
Logical ReasoningVerbal Ability
Numerical AbilityScientific Aptitude
Reasoning AbilityGeneral Science

It is important for candidates to have a broad understanding of these topics to perform well in the General Ability section of the NEST exam.

Physics Syllabus

The physics section evaluates the candidate’s knowledge of various topics, including mechanics, heat and thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics. Some of the standard topics include:

NEST Exam Physics Syllabus
General PhysicsMechanics
FluidsThermal Physics
Rotational DynamicsSound and Light

Mathematics Syllabus

The mathematics section focuses on testing the candidate’s mathematical abilities. It covers topics such as:

NEST Exam Maths Syllabus
Matrices and DeterminantsBinomial Theorem

Chemistry Syllabus

The chemistry section tests the candidate’s understanding of concepts related to physical chemistry, organic chemistry, and inorganic chemistry. It may include topics such as:

NEST Exam Chemistry Syllabus
Mole ConceptAtomic Structure
Chemical BondingThermodynamics
Chemical KineticsSolid State
SolutionsSurface Chemistry
Coordination CompoundsMetallurgy
Reactive IntermediatesHybridization
HydrocarbonsAromatic Compounds

Biology Syllabus

The biology section examines the candidate’s knowledge of biological concepts, which includes topics like:

NEST Exam Biology Syllabus
Humans and EnvironmentEvolution

Note: The above-mentioned syllabus is just curated from the general exam trends. The actual topics asked may vary depending on several factors. Students are kindly advised to keep a check on the official website of NEST and NTA for detailed syllabi.

How to prepare for the NEST exam?

Preparing for any exam requires dedication and hard work. Also, a soft introduction to smart work is important in increasing efficiency. Students should be aware of the exam notifications and know everything about how to prepare for exams. Here are some general tips to help you ace the NEST exam preparation.

  • Familiarize yourself with the NEST exam syllabus and create a study plan accordingly.
  • Create a realistic study schedule that allows for consistent and dedicated preparation.
  • Choose reliable and comprehensive study materials that cover all the topics of the NEST exam syllabus.
  • Solve previous years’ question papers and sample papers to get acquainted with the exam pattern, question types, and time management.
  • Take regular mock tests to simulate the exam environment and assess your performance.
  • Focus on building a strong foundation of concepts in all subjects.
  • Regularly revise the topics you have studied to reinforce your learning.
  • If you come across any doubts or difficulties, don’t hesitate to seek clarification from teachers, mentors, or online forums.
  • Stay updated with current affairs, scientific advancements, and developments in the subjects related to the NEST exam.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle, get adequate sleep, and take breaks during study sessions. Manage stress effectively through activities like exercise, meditation, or hobbies.

NEST Exam Books

When it comes to NEST exam preparation, choosing the right books can greatly aid your studies. Here are some top books recommended for NEST exam preparation:

Books for PreparationAuthor
Concept of PhysicsH.C. Verma
Physical ChemistryP. Bahadur
Organic ChemistryMorrison and Boyd
BiologyPradeep Publication
Mathematics for Class XI and XIIR.D. Sharma
General KnowledgeManohar Pandey
Objective General EnglishS.P. Bakshi

Remember, while these books are highly recommended, it is also important to refer to your school textbooks and other relevant study materials. Additionally, solving previous years’ question papers and taking mock tests will further enhance your preparation for the NEST exam.

Things to Withdraw

Lastly, the NEST exam syllabus plays a pivotal role in the preparation and success of candidates aiming to undertake this esteemed examination. With its comprehensive coverage of subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and general ability, the syllabus ensures a thorough evaluation of fundamental concepts and problem-solving skills.

By understanding and focusing on the NEST exam syllabus, candidates can effectively plan their study schedule, prioritize topics, and develop a strong foundation in each subject. This strategic approach, coupled with practice and revision, will enable candidates to confidently face the NEST exam and maximize their chances of securing a desirable score in pursuit of their academic and career aspirations.

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Also Read:

NEST Exam Syllabus and Pattern: FAQs

What is the NEST exam syllabus?

The NEST exam syllabus comprises subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and general ability.

Are there any specific topics under the general ability section of the NEST exam?

Yes, the general ability section may include questions on current affairs, general knowledge, logical reasoning, verbal ability, numerical ability, scientific aptitude, and reasoning ability.

How can I effectively prepare for the NEST exam syllabus?

To prepare effectively, create a study plan, refer to reliable study materials, practice previous papers, take mock tests, and revise regularly.

Are there passage-based science questions in the NEST exam?

Yes, the NEST exam may include passage-type science questions that require a deeper understanding of scientific concepts.

Does the NEST exam syllabus cover Class X mathematical ability?

Yes, the exam may include mathematical problems that align with the mathematical abilities expected at the Class X level.

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