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A Comprehensive Guide to the IIT Entrance Exam

iit entrance exam

One of the most prominent and challenging engineering admission tests in India is the IIT Entrance Exam, sometimes referred to as the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE). The JEE, which is administered by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), is a route to some of the greatest engineering schools in the nation. Every year, the exam draws hundreds of thousands of students from all across the nation who are hoping to get into one of the IITs. A degree from one of these institutes is highly valued in India and beyond. The IITs have a long history of generating some of the best engineers and scientists in the world.

JEE Main and JEE Advanced are the two components of the JEE exam. JEE Advanced, the only test level that establishes eligibility for admission to the IITs, is a prerequisite for JEE Main, the first stage of the exam. The three courses that make up the core of engineering education—math, physics, and chemistry—are tested in the JEE. The IIT Entrance Exam is a significant turning point in a student’s academic career because of its prominence, competitive character, and heavy emphasis on demanding intellectual preparation.

Without any further ado, let’s begin.

Overview of the IIT Entrance Exam

 The prominent technical institutes in India known as the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) provide undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate engineering and technology degrees. The Joint Entrance Exam (JEE), a highly competitive exam offered each year, is the basis for admission to IITs. JEE is broken down into two sections: JEE Main and JEE Advanced. For candidates looking to enroll in the National Institutes of Technology (NITs), Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs), and other engineering colleges, JEE Main is the initial step. The next phase for those seeking admission to the IITs is JEE Advanced. Only those who received the highest scores in JEE Main are eligible to take the harder JEE Advanced test.

Top IIT Entrance Exams in India

Let’s dive into the world of IIT entrance exams. These rigorous assessment tests open doors to prestigious institutions and diverse career paths. Here’s a concise overview of some prominent IIT entrance exams in India:

Joint Entrance Examination (JEE)

  • Purpose: Admission to undergraduate engineering programs (BTech/BE) at IITs, NITs, and other top engineering colleges.
  • Format: JEE Main (screening test) followed by JEE Advanced (for IITs).
  • Subjects: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
  • Eligibility: 10+2 with PCM (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics).

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)

  • Purpose: Postgraduate admissions (MTech/ME/PhD) and PSU recruitment.
  • Subjects: Various engineering disciplines, including Computer Science, Electrical, Mechanical, etc.
  • Eligibility: B.E./B.Tech/B.Sc. graduates.

Common Admission Test (CAT)

  • Purpose: Admission to MBA programs at IITs and other top management institutes.
  • Format: Computer-based test.
  • Sections: Quantitative Ability, Verbal Ability, and Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning.
  • Eligibility: Bachelor’s degree in any discipline.

IIT Joint Admission Test for M.Sc. (IIT JAM)

  • Purpose: Admission to M.Sc., M.Sc.-Ph.D. dual degree, and other postgraduate science programs.
  • Subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biotechnology, Geology, and Mathematical Statistics.
  • Eligibility: Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field.

Common Eligibility Test (CET)

  • Purpose: Proposed single entrance exam for various central government jobs.
  • Format: To be introduced by the National Recruitment Agency (NRA).
  • Eligibility: Varies based on specific job requirements.

National Eligibility Test (NET)

  • Purpose: Qualification for lectureship and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF).
  • Subjects: Various disciplines (e.g., UGC NET for humanities, CSIR NET for science).
  • Eligibility: Postgraduate degree holders.

Remember, each exam has its unique significance and serves as a gateway to exciting academic and professional opportunities.

Why are IITs entrance exams important?

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE), often known as the IIT Entrance Exam, is a tough and competitive test that evaluates applicants’ eligibility for admission to the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), some of India’s top technical schools. For students hoping to major in engineering and work in the sector successfully, the test is essential.

Students who pass the IIT Entrance Exam have a wide range of options available to them because IITs are renowned institutes that provide top-notch education and promising job prospects. The IITs are regarded as some of the top engineering schools in the world and are well known for their cutting-edge research and innovation.

Exam Syllabus and Pattern for JEE Advanced

The JEE Advanced syllabus has been taking a turn for the last two years. The COVID-19 outbreak has resulted in a reduction in syllabi and changes in the exam pattern. Now, the officially revised syllabus of JEE Advanced 2023 syllabus notification is out. Here is the updated syllabus.

Want to crack IIT JEE? Check out our blog on How to Crack JEE: Tips and Strategies.

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The syllabus of the Physics part is as follows;

Name of the topicsName of the topics
Physics and MeasurementRotational Motion
Work, energy, and powerProperties of solids, liquids, and gas
GravitationsLaws of Motion
Oscillations and WavesElectronic Devices
Kinetic Theory of GasesCurrent and Electricity
Communication SystemsElectromagnetic Inductions and Alternating Currents
Magnetic Effects of Current and MagnetismOptics
Electromagnetic WavesAtoms and Nuclei
ElectrostaticsDual State of Matter and Radiation


The syllabus for the Chemistry part is as follows;

Name of the topicsName of the topics
Some basics concepts in chemistryStates of Matter
Chemical Bonding and Molecular StructureChemical Thermodynamics
Redox reactions and electrochemistryChemical Kinetics
Surface ChemistryPurification and characterization of organic compounds
HydrocarbonsChemistry in everyday life
Principles related to practical chemistryOrganic compounds containing halogens
Organic compounds containing oxygenAn organic compound containing Nitrogen
PolymersSome basic concepts of organic chemistry
BiomoleculesClassifications of elements and periodicity in properties
HydrogenBlock elements (alkali and alkaline earth metals)
p-block elementsd-block and f-block elements
coordination compoundsEnvironmental Compounds
Environmental ChemistryGeneral Principle and processes of isolation of metals


The syllabus for the Mathematics part is as follows;

Name of the topicsName of the topics
Complex numbers and quadratic equationsMatrices and Determinants
Sets, relations, and functionsPermutations and Combinations
Mathematical ReasoningLimits, continuity, and differentiability
Three-dimensional geometryDifferential equations
Binomial theorem and its applicationsSequence and series
Vector and AlgebraStatistics and probability
TrigonometryCoordinate geometry

For more details regarding the latest exam pattern, visit our blog post on Know About JEE Pattern and Syllabus 2023.

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Participating Institutes

The 23 top engineering schools in India that make up the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) take part in the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE). The 23 IITs that will be taking the entrance exam are IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Madras, IIT Roorkee, IIT Bhubaneswar, IIT Gandhinagar, IIT Hyderabad, IIT Indore, IIT Jodhpur, IIT Patna, IIT Ropar, IIT Tirupati, IIT Varanasi, IIT Palakkad, IIT Bhilai, IIT Dhanbad, IIT Goa, IIT Jammu, IIT Karnataka, and IIT Dharwad.

Fees and Payment Options

The cost of attending an IIT varies based on the school and the course of study. An undergraduate engineering program at an IIT typically costs in total between 10 and 20 lakhs. This covers tuition costs, dorm fees, and any supplemental costs. Students who choose degrees with greater costs, such as those in the departments of computer science, aerospace, and electrical engineering, may, nevertheless, pay fees that are noticeably higher.

Depending on the institute, different Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) may offer different payment alternatives. The most popular methods of payment are, however:

  • Online payment with credit/debit cards or net banking
  • Demand draught (DD) or check made payable to the institution
  • The institute’s cashier accepts cash payments.

For the most recent information on accepted forms of payment, it is advised to consult the finance department or the official website of the relevant IIT.

What happens after JEE Advance?

After the result is declared, cut-off marks are decided, and the merit list is prepared, the following are the procedures are taken:

  • Results of JEE Advanced: The All-India Rank (AIR) of each applicant is included in the results of JEE Advanced, which are released on the official website.
  • JoSAA counseling: For admission to all IITs, NITs, IIITs, and other government-funded technical institutes, the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) conduct centralized counseling.
  • Choice filling and locking: Candidates must log on to the JoSAA website and fill out and lock in their choices, ranking their chosen universities and courses. Prior to really locking their selections, they might also alter or amend them.
  • Seat distribution: The candidates are given seats by JoSAA based on the selections made and the seats that are available. There are several rounds of seat distribution until every seat is occupied.
  • Acceptance: After a seat is assigned, it must be accepted and the associated payments must be paid in order to reserve it.
  • Fee Payment: After paying the fees, the candidate must report to the designated college to complete the admissions procedures and document verification.
  • Beginning of courses: The first week of July is typically when classes start.

For the latest information on JEE updates, visit JEE 2023: Exam date, Eligibility, and Preparations.

Revaluation and tie-breaking criteria

There is no concept of rechecking the answers as the exam is completely online but you can challenge the question in the stipulated period. After your challenge is accepted, either the question is omitted or the bonus marking is done for those who attempted the question.

The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) utilized the following criteria to break ties during the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced:

  • Better scores in mathematics: If two or more applicants get the same grade, preference will be given to the candidate with the higher score in mathematics.
  • Better scores in physics: If a tie still exists, preference will be given to the applicant who scored higher in physics.
  • Higher marks in chemistry: If a tie still exists, preference will be given to the candidate with the higher chemistry score.
  • Older age: If there is still a tie, priority will be given to the candidate who is older.


The Joint Entrance Examination usually referred to as the IIT Entrance Exam, is a prominent and fiercely competitive test in India. The purpose of the exam is to gauge a student’s proficiency in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. A student can pursue higher study at some of the top engineering colleges in the nation after passing the JEE, which is a significant academic milestone. Although the test is difficult, students may succeed and guarantee their spot at the IITs with the right preparation and work ethic. In this way, the IIT Entrance Exam is a test of both character and willpower in addition to knowledge.

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Also Read:

IIT Entrance Exam: FAQs

What is the IIT Entrance Exam?

The IIT Entrance Exam, also known as the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE), is a nationwide examination conducted by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) for admission to undergraduate engineering programs.

When is the IIT Entrance Exam held?

The JEE is usually conducted in the month of January and April every year.

What subjects are covered in the IIT Entrance Exam?

The IIT Entrance Exam tests the student’s knowledge and aptitude in Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

Who is eligible to appear for the IIT Entrance Exam?

To be eligible to appear for the JEE, a candidate must have passed Class 12 or equivalent exam and meet the prescribed age limit.

What is the format of the IIT Entrance Exam?

The JEE is a computer-based test and consists of two papers, JEE Main and JEE Advanced. The first paper, JEE Main, is a qualifying exam for JEE Advanced. The JEE Advanced is the final stage of the examination and is conducted for admission to the IITs.

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