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How to Concentrate on Studies – Study for Long Hours & Avoid Distractions

how to concentrate on studies

Do you know? A recent survey by Inside Higher Ed stated that nearly 50% of students get distracted while studying. This has been a common problem after the evolution of affordable internet plans in India. Also, this has taken a surge during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the entire education shifted to digital medium. Distraction is the major reason that hinders the concentration. Let’s look at the possible answers to the question of how to concentrate on studies. We will cover some of the most useful tips and tricks that will help you strengthen your concentration.

Having the accessibilities to social media has really degraded the quality of concentration of the students. They literally get diverted just by a notification. They have developed a muscle memory of checking their cell phones every now and then. It becomes very important for the students to maintain their concentration for a longer period of time. This blog post will give you some smart tips that will help you concentrate better. So, let’s get started and dive into the world of answers to the question of how to concentrate on studies.

Special Tips on How to Concentrate on Studies

To build your concentration, we must follow two different pathways. There are two different components for building concentration on studies. In this section, we will be listing both the components for building strong concentration. The components are – concentration for long hours and concentration without distraction. Let’s look at the flowchart for a better understanding.

How to Concentrate on Studies Info

How to Concentrate on Studies for Long Hours

In this growing digital era, it is really challenging to concentrate on studies for longer periods. We just have lost the ability to even sit in one place for more than hours. We are so attracted to short-term entertainment that we just cannot study for hours. Gone were the days when students used to study for 5-6 hours in one go.

In this section, we will be looking at the top 3 ways that will help you in studying for long hours. The three main tips include:

  1. Make a Study Plan
  2. Take Frequent Breaks
  3. Reward Yourself

Let’s now look at each tip and discuss them in detail.

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Make a Study Plan

The first thing that you should do is to make a proper to-do list or study plan for the day. This will help you keep things arranged and sorted for you. You need not waste a chunk of your study time thinking about the topics that you need to study. 

Now the question comes of how you will make an effective study plan. We have created some pointers for you that will help you in making an effective study plan. 

  • You must prepare a schedule for the next day in advance before bed. This will remove the wastage of time in thinking about it.
  • You should make a balanced schedule. This will help you in bringing the variations in studying, removing the room for boredom.
  • When you have built a proper study plan, make sure to stick it near your study table. This will keep you reminded about the plans that you have for the day.

Making a proper study plan should be the first step if you are preparing to study for long hours. Let’s look at other steps on how to concentrate on studies for long hours.

Take Frequent Breaks

Another important component for studying for long hours is to take frequent breaks. You must have heard in the interviews of the toppers that they make schedules or breaks in between. The best practice that you can follow is to study for 45 minutes and rest for another 15 minutes.

There has been scientific evidence of effective breaks between studies. Let’s look at some of the important benefits of taking frequent breaks while studying:

  • Taking an effective break in between studies helps you be fresh and energized throughout the session.
  • Taking effective breaks in between studies renews your energy for the next session. This increases your concentration and retention power.
  • Taking breaks also increases your effectiveness and productivity, and increases your longevity. This can help you sit for long hours at a place.

The National Institute of Health, in its research paper, stated that frequent breaks boost your performance. So, make sure to take effective breaks, but don’t scroll on social media in between. Instead, you could choose to have a walk, that will be more beneficial.

Consider Rewarding Yourself

Many students believe that a reward system helps them to sit for longer studying hours. It inculcates a sense of achievement after the task has been completed. There have been proven benefits of the reward system.

Some of the benefits of a reward system for long study hours are given below:

  • Constantly rewarding yourself after your target completion keeps you motivated and high on spirits.
  • This reward system has been contributing as a driving factor for your target completion.
  • Whenever we reward ourselves, our brain releases the dopamine hormone, which keeps us contented and satisfied.

These were some of the benefits of a proper study plan, frequent breaks, and a reward system. These were the answers to the question of how to concentrate on studies for long hours. You can also consider visiting our blog How to Become a Topper if you want to be one.

Always remember that studying for a longer period doesn’t imply studying the entire night. Studying overnight decreases your efficiency level and affects your physical and mental well-being.

We are done with the first segment! Now let’s head to another component of this blog post – how to concentrate on studies without distraction! So, let’s begin!

How to Concentrate on Studies Without Distraction

Distraction has been a major blocker for students when it comes to concentration. They are used to scroll social media subconsciously. You might have felt your hand approaching your smartphone unknowingly. This is a symptom of smartphone addiction – a major cause of distraction. In this section, we will look at the pointers that will help you to counter distractions while studying.

You basically need to take care of certain pointers to avoid distractions while studying. Here are the important pointers:

  1. Put Your Electronic Devices Aside
  2. Set up a Proper Study Ambiance
  3. Apply Different Study Techniques

Let’s now try to examine the above-mentioned pointers in detail. If you honestly implement the changes, you will definitely get an answer to the question of how to concentrate on your studies without distraction.

 Put Your Electronic Devices Aside

The most important thing to avoid distraction is to keep your electronic devices aside while studying. The major factor of distractions is the social media. Students just cannot pass a day without scrolling either on Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, or YouTube. This eventually becomes a habit in our day-to-day lives, taking away a major chunk of our time.

It’s not easy to just put your devices aside at once. You can club this with a rewarding feature to hold your temptations. Here are some of the potential benefits of putting your devices away:

  • Keeping your devices away while studying will help you stay focused and dedicated to your daily schedule.
  • This will help you save much of your time, increasing your efficiency and productivity levels.
  • This will also contribute to reducing strains and anxiety

The magical effects of keeping your devices away while studying is not only limited to these benefits. Let’s now look at another pointer to avoid distractions while studying.

Setting up a Proper Study Ambiance

Your ambiance is a deciding factor when avoiding distractions. You can not study properly in a crowded ambiance. It plays an important role in building your concentration while studying.

Now, let’s try to analyze how an ambiance can affect your concentration while studying:

  • A well-set study ambiance helps you to stick around your table for a longer time. Avoid studying in a dim environment as it may cause strain on your eyes.
  • It will keep your things in an organized way so that you can find your assets in one place. 
  • If you define a proper place of study, it triggers your brain to go into study mode. This makes the transition a smoother one.

Setting up a proper ambiance for study affects your brain at a psychological level. Make sure you don’t change your ambiance every now and then, which will not allow your brain to settle in.

Apply Different Study Techniques

Last but not least – applying different study techniques can be a very effective way to avoid distractions while studying. You can apply different techniques by finding new study methods for different subjects.

Here are some of the potential benefits of applying different study techniques:

  • Developing new and effective ways of studying prevents monotony and boredom, increasing your interest in the topics.
  • Applying different study techniques enables you to be more creative while studying. This will further improve your concentration and retention abilities.

These were some of the pointers that answered the question of how to concentrate on studies. If you implement these pointers while studying, this will surely help you upgrade your performance.

Wrapping It Up!

To concentrate better on studies, it’s important to tackle distractions, especially with the rise of social media. For longer study periods, create a daily study plan, take regular breaks, and reward yourself for achievements. Avoid studying overnight as it affects efficiency. To study without distractions, keep electronic devices away, create a suitable study environment, and try different study techniques. Smartphone addiction is a big distraction, so it helps to consciously keep devices aside. 

A proper study environment is important, and trying different ways of studying keeps things interesting and improves focus. By following these steps, you can improve your study concentration and overall performance. These were some of the pointers contributing to the answer to the question of how to concentrate on studies.

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How can I focus 100% on my study?

To focus entirely on your studies, create a dedicated study space, eliminate distractions, set specific goals, take short breaks, and maintain a consistent routine. Minimize multitasking and use techniques like the Pomodoro method for effective concentration.

How can I improve my concentration while studying?

Improve concentration by breaking your study sessions into manageable chunks, using active learning techniques, getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Minimize digital distractions and consider mindfulness exercises to enhance focus.

Why can’t I focus on my studies?

Difficulty focusing may result from various factors, such as a cluttered study environment, lack of interest, fatigue, or anxiety. Identify the specific challenges, address them systematically, and consider seeking support if concentration issues persist.

Can I study for 15 hours a day?

Studying for 15 hours a day is not advisable for sustained productivity and well-being. Focus on quality over quantity, maintain a balanced study schedule, prioritize breaks, and ensure adequate rest for optimal learning and retention.

How to concentrate on studies without distractions?

Concentrate on studies by creating a distraction-free environment, putting away electronic devices, establishing a consistent study routine, and trying different study techniques. Take breaks mindfully, stay organized, and set specific goals to enhance concentration without succumbing to distractions.

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