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A Comprehensive Guide On CUET History Syllabus: Know The Core Topics To Ace The Exam

cuet history syllabus

Are you gearing up for the Common University Entrance Examination (CUET)? Planning to pursue a UG or PG in History? No wonder, CUET opens doors to top colleges across India. Thus, having an understanding of the CUET History Syllabus is crucial for taking this highly competitive exam.

History is a vital domain-specific subject offered in CUET’s Section II. This section delves into essential chapters encompassing religious histories, Harappan Archaeology, political and economic history, and the fascinating journey of Buddhism. To kickstart your preparation, it’s imperative to grasp the entire CUET History syllabus. You can easily access the official CUET History syllabus PDF on the official website –

Now, let’s delve into the exam pattern specifically tailored for the CUET Exam. The History test comprises a single paper with 50 questions, but candidates are required to attempt 40 questions. This format aims to evaluate your in-depth understanding of 15 crucial units, including topics like Harappan Archaeology, Political and Economic History, Social Histories, History of Buddhism, Religious Histories, and intriguing insights into Medieval society through Travellers’ narratives.

By familiarizing yourself with the CUET History syllabus, you gain a strategic advantage. Not only do you grasp the concepts comprehensively, but you also understand the exam’s duration, structure, and mode. This insight lets you plan your preparation effectively, focusing on key areas while optimizing your study time.

Let’s dive in…

CUET UG History Syllabus

One question paper will be provided, containing a total of 50 questions. Candidates are required to attempt 40 questions from this paper. The following are the major topics:

  • The Story of the First Cities Harappan Archaeology
  • Political and Economic History: How Inscriptions tell a story
  • Social Histories using the Mahabharata
  • A History of Buddhism: Sanchi Stupa
  • Medieval Society Through Travellers’ Accounts
  • Religious Histories: The Bhakti-Sufi Tradition
  • New Architecture: Hampi
  • Agrarian Relations: The Ain-i-Akbari
  • The Mughal Court: Reconstructing Histories through Chronicles
  • Colonialism and Rural Society: Evidence from Official Reports
  • Representations of 1857
  • Colonialism and Indian Towns: Town Plans and Municipal Reports
  • Mahatma Gandhi Through Contemporary Eyes
  • Partition through Oral Sources
  • The Making of the Constitution

For a complete overview of the CUET History Syllabus (UG), refer to this information bulletin –

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CUET PG History Syllabus

The exam paper comprises 75 questions exclusively based on Subject-Specific Knowledge. Each question is mandatory and presented in a bilingual format, offering options in both English and Hindi.

In this section, we will be covering the following options:

  • Ancient Indian History, Culture & Architecture
  • History of Art
  • History

CUET History – Ancient Indian History, Culture & Architecture

Here are the topics:

  • Political History of India from circa 600 B.C. to 1200 A.D.
  • Prehistory and Proto History of India
  • Ancient Indian Social and Economic Life Institution
  • Religion and Philosophy of Ancient India
  • Early Indian Art and Architecture
  • Ancient Indian Palaeography and Epigraphy
  • Ancient Indian Numismatics
  • Ancient Civilization
  • History Writing and Historiography of Ancient India
  • History of Science & Technology in India

CUET Syllabus: History of Art

The following are the topics covered in the syllabus:

  • Pre-historic cave paintings: India and Europe
  • Arts of the Indus Valley Civilization
  • Mauryan and Shunga Sculpture
  • Gupta and Kushana Sculpture
  • Wall paintings of Ajanta and Bagh
  • Pala-Sena Sculpture
  • Pallava and Rashtrakutta Sculpture
  • Orissam Sculpture
  • Chandell Sculpture
  • Traditions of manuscript painting: Eastern and Western Indian Trends
  • Mughal Miniature Painting
  • Deccani Miniature Painting
  • Rajasthani Miniature Painting
  • Pahari Miniature Painting
  • Revival of Indian Art in Bengal and Bombay (Mumbai)
  • Egyptian and Sumerian Art
  • Greek and Roman Art
  • Medieval Christian Art
  • Renaissance-Italian Manifestation
  • Broque-Painting and Sculpture
  • Neo-classical and Romantic Art of France
  • Impressionism, Post-Impressionism and Neo-Impressionism Fauvism, Cubism and Expressionism

CUET PG History Syllabus

The questions in this section are asked from the following topics:

  • Ancient History of India (10000 BC to 1206 AD)
  • Early Medieval India (750 AD- 1206 AD)
  • Medieval History of India (1206-1707 AD)
  • Modern History of India (1707 to 1947)

For a detailed syllabus, refer –

List of colleges for History UG or PG courses

Below are some of the colleges for History UG/PG courses accepting CUET Score:

  1. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University
  2. Banaras Hindu University
  3. Delhi University
  4. Hansraj College
  5. Hindu College
  6. Miranda House
  7. Aligarh Muslim University
  8. Assam University
  9. Central Sanskrit University
  10. Gargi College
  11. Jamia Millia Islamia
  12. Ramjas College
  13. Aryabhatta College
  14. Jawaharlal Nehru University
  15. Central University of Gujarat

The above list is not exhaustive. Also, read – CUET University List 2024. If you need any help in selecting the right college! Connect with iDreamCareer’s expert counselors in Bangalore.

Final Thoughts!

Having an understanding of the CUET History Syllabus is crucial for aspirants aiming to excel in the exam. By aligning study strategies with the outlined syllabus, candidates can optimize their chances of success in the CUET History section.

If you still have queries! Don’t hesitate to ask experts! Here’s the success story:

iDreamCareer guided Niharika through comprehensive psychometric assessments, exploring her aptitude, personality, and interests. After considering various career options, they narrowed down her choices to Commerce and Business Management, dissuading her from pursuing IAS. They clarified the distinctions between BBA and B.Com courses, assisting her in selecting B.Com (Hons) as her primary choice. Ensuring she didn’t miss application deadlines, they supported her through CUET exam preparation and facilitated her CSAS registration for Delhi University colleges. With their assistance, Niharika secured admission to her dream college, SRCC, for BCom Honours, aligning with her career aspirations effectively.

Also, read:


What is the syllabus of history for the CUET exam?

The CUET history syllabus covers diverse topics such as ancient Indian history, art, culture, and architecture, along with medieval and modern Indian history. It includes political, social, economic, and religious aspects, as well as art forms from various periods and civilizations.

How to prepare for the CUET History Exam?

To prepare for the CUET History Exam, focus on understanding key historical events, concepts, and their significance. Use textbooks, reference materials, and online resources to study the specified topics thoroughly. Practice answering previous years’ question papers and participate in mock tests to improve time management and familiarity with the exam pattern.

What is the weightage of the CUET history exam?

As per the guidelines by NTA, the domain-subject section, Section II, contains 50 questions. Candidates must answer 40 questions within the allocated 45 minutes. Attempting more than 40 questions won’t result in marks, neither positive nor negative. It’s crucial to manage time efficiently and focus on accuracy while answering.

How can I score good marks in CUET History?

To score well in CUET History, focus on understanding core concepts such as genetics, biochemistry, cell biology, and ecology. Practice regularly with sample papers and mock tests to improve your speed and accuracy.

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