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Indian Education System: For or Against the Students?

Indian Education System

The Indian education system has led to a deep crisis. A 15-year-old is expected to know what he or she wants to do in the future, and it is usually one of the following 3 options that he or she has to choose from-

  • Doctor
  • Engineer
  • or Charted Accountant.

They are expected to follow norms, respect the set standards and trade codes established long before they were even born. But this approach is not in alignment with the spirit of humanity. There are no hard lines between subjects and most of the modern innovations are based on understanding and combining knowledge of two or more fields. Take Facebook, for example, it’s a 21st-century marvel that combines knowledge of human psychology, sociology, and technology.

When I was a kid, I used to make paper boats, not the usual ones, used to experiment with them, changed dimensions of their different portions. I used to stare at clouds and find patterns in it. I used to sit and think about how the world works. I used to question everything. There was a never satisfying inquisitiveness burning inside me. I wanted to learn more and experiment with things in order to get a deeper understanding of the world.

And then came education; assignments took place of creative ideas, cramming formulae replaced innovation, learning, and experimenting was brutally murdered. Performing in exams was the prime focus rather than understanding the concepts. Education started training people to become multinational companies.  Our education system is a breeding ground for future menial workers rather than future thinkers, philosophers, and scientists.

The education system and its mechanism is a criminal. It failed miserably to understand how we are able to master evolution and race to the top.

The real strength of humanity lies in the fact that we are able to be at peace, in spite of all our differences. We make never-ending efforts to improve circumstances by working in teams. The power to see the beauty in chaos, the ability to seek pleasure out of nothing, the cohesiveness to share grief, the curiosity to understand how the world works, and to emulate the natural processes artificially is what makes us special.

The true purpose of education is to stimulate the creativity and the passions of a student. It is to give them wings, to allow them to think freely, develop new things, innovate and experiment. Education is the mechanism by which young intelligent minds are converted into mature ignited minds.

A lot of people say that education is the method by which we as young boys and girls expand the way we look at this world. When we open our minds to new ideas and experiences and from where we begin that long journey from the innocence of youth to the responsibilities of adulthood. It’s the time when we realize who we really are, but somehow we have forgotten the fundamentals that are embedded in our DNA and developed the capability to ignore our inner calling just to play it safe. Somehow our trail-blazer and an adventurous spirit are replaced by our stability-seeking nature. We have become followers traveling pre-designed paths rather than becoming explorers, who discoverer uncharted territories.

While choosing a career, don’t make money your only priority. It is a man-made concept, designed to impose a new and improved version of imperialism camouflaged as a road map of growth. Listen to your heart instead. Every now and then, your brain will light-up with an idea that will strike just the right notes to play the symphony you always longed to hear. You will have to toil day and night to make your dream a reality and to tell you the truth when you are doing something that you love, you are not actually working, and instead, you are having fun. The sense of satisfaction is unbeatable.

As Darwin said, no two creatures on this planet are exactly the same, so when you are your authentic self, you have zero competition. The biggest problem you might face is your surroundings; the pressure that society exerts based on the age-old value systems of conformity, security, and morality. This system needs to be changed and I dare say the shift has already begun. The present pioneers in almost all fields are emphasizing the importance of making bold choices that are in alignment with your conscience, instead of playing it safe to achieve stability.

In this constantly evolving world, we need to change our perception. The present volatile market is generating new career options, and new opportunities every day. We need to define the new standards, new norms, and new value systems. A value system that is based on creativity, tenacity, and resilience; a value system that teaches us that there are no mistakes in life, there are only lessons; a value system that promotes liberty and pushes man to answer his inner calling. Let the light of education in its true sense be your guardian.

By Devika Arora

Know more about other counties’ education system:

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