Do you like to locate your house, school or farm through Google on your phone or computer? Are you very interested in this new technology of digital mapping? Think about Uber, Ola, Google Maps, Zomato, etc! You will be directly involved in the art and science of making digital maps! This is an interesting and creative field with very bright future prospects. You can start your career as a Geo-informatics or GIS Technician and then if you want to study higher you can also become a Cartographer.
Geo-informatics Assistant / GIS Technicians mainly install, operate and collect data through GIS (Geographic Information System) and analyze that data. They calculate position/measure locations, download data and process the downloaded data with GIS software. They also do field surveys for locating ‘assets’ like schools, hospitals, government offices, and historical sites using different GPS tools.
Why become a GEO Informatics Assistant?
Your work as a Geo-informatics Assistant / GIS Technician will mainly include installing, operating and collecting data through GIS (Geographic Information System) and analyzing that data. GIS is a network of specific locations and geographic data collected through satellites. This huge volume of geographical data is stored for future use in large digital databases through GIS software. You will be capturing, storing, manipulating and analyzing this spatial or geographic data.
You will calculate position/measure locations, download data and process the downloaded data with GIS software. You may need to install Windows and related GIS software in computer systems, create/develop databases, enter data into GIS databases or explore various websites with GIS content. You may also do field surveys for locating ‘assets’ like schools, hospitals, government offices, historical sites, roads, rails, canals, electric/telephone lines etc. using different GPS tools.
What does a GEO Informatics Assistant do?
As a Geo-informatics Assistant / GIS Technician, you will be engaged with one or more of the following roles and responsibilities: –
- Installing Windows and related GIS software on computer systems.
- Downloading free satellite data and collecting information available at open source websites or from specific agencies and trusted sources.
- Compiling data needed for map making like notes, photos, records etc.
- Creating, developing, updating and maintaining Geo-databases and other databases for GIS data storage.
- Using popular GIS software like AutoCAD Map 3D, ESRI ArcGIS, Landworks GIS, Maptitude, ILWIS Integrated Land and Water Information System), Geomaticaetc.
- Applying standard mathematical formulas to identify and measure elevations, geographic locations etc.
- Assigning addresses for new construction projects and performing field verifications of existing addresses.
- Loading or transferring GIS data between different systems.
- Doing field surveys to collect ground data for various GIS projects such as Forestry, Land use, Farming, Property tax, and Irrigation.
How to become a GEO Informatics Assistant – eligibility criteria
After Class 10, then Class 11-12 with or without Mathematics & any other subject as per the scheme of studies, you can do NSQF or other training programs.
Various private/public vocational training establishments across India offer related courses on:
- Geographic Information Systems
- GIS and Geoinformatics
- Remote Sensing & GIS
- Geospatial and Geographic Information Systems
- GIS Consultant
- GIS Technical Assistant
Job Opportunities
After your training and certification, at the beginning of your career, you can get a job in the Geoinformatics industry as a:
- GIS Trainee
- GIS Operator
- GIS Technician
Many IT and IT Enabled Software or services companies such as Capgemini, DSM Soft, etc. will offer you a job. Besides IT and IT Enabled Software or services companies, various companies involved in the business of preparing maps, GIS software, etc. may also offer you jobs.
Salary of a GEO Informatics Assistant
Salaries vary according to job profiles and the kind of facilities you get to work at.
In entry-level jobs: You may expect to get about Rs.10,000 – 12,000 per month.
Salaries increase with your work experience and as you get promoted.
In mid-level jobs, with 5-8 years of work experience, you may expect to get about INR 30,000 – INR 35,000 per month.
In senior-level jobs with 10-15 years of work experience, you may expect to get about Rs. 50,000 – 70,000 or even more per month.
Career progression in GEO Informatics Assistant profession
If you begin as a Geo-informatics Assistant / GIS Technician, you may progress as GIS Trainee, GIS Technician, GIS Operator, GIS Executive, GIS Analyst, GIS Specialist, GIS Expert, GIS Manager, GIS Operations Manager. Remember that for the mid-level and senior positions, you will need Bachelor’s degrees and professional certificates.
What does industry trends say – future prospects
The future of Geo-informatics Assistant / GIS Technicians seems bright. The net Geospatial Intelligence, Mapping, and Analytics Industry has grown from Rs 5000 crore in 2014-15 to Rs. 7500 crore in 2017-18 and is predicted to reach the mark of Rs. 11,000 crores by 2021 (figures are approximated). The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in the financial year 2017-18 has been around 12% which is more than the global average of 11.5%. There are huge employment opportunities in India for basic services like surveying, content development, map digitization, data analytics, APIs etc. This industry has also provided a significant trade surplus of more than Rs. 5000 crores in the year 2017-18, contributing negatively to India’s huge fiscal deficit.
Geospatial Services Exports is aimed to grow from Rs. 6000 crores to Rs. 39,000 crores by FY 2027-28. India is expecting 1 million more jobs to be generated in this sector through direct and indirect hires by FY 2027-28.
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- Career as a Software Programmer
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