What on earth is the cloud? Where is this cloud if not in the skies? Are all of us inside the cloud now? These are some questions you’ve probably heard. Or even asked yourself maybe? In the same way that clouds are filled with rainwater, cloud computing stores & provide information like files, music, videos, applications, & more to us for our use. Have you always been inquisitive about finding out how present-day computers actually work? What goes on inside? In the present scenario, most of all the software that we use today is provided to us as a service by another company and accessed over the Internet in a seamless way. Cloud affects us every day! Just as the ones up in the sky do too! It affects all businesses across every industry vertical that you can think of. Let us take a closer look at who Cloud Computing Specialists are, what they do, how they do it and how to become one.
Cloud Computing Specialists actively participate in the development of cloud-based information technology infrastructures. ‘Cloud’ basically refers to the information technology services rendered over a communication and data transmission network, the use of which could be limited to a single organization, available to many organizations, available to people at a specific geographical area, or to the public at large all over the world. Cloud-based infrastructures are available-on-demand computer system resources especially used for data storage or executing small, medium to high-scale applications ranging from composing & sending an email to running a program for making meteorological predictions or studying 6 billion molecules of the human genome! Simplistically, this means virtual data centers and applications that are simultaneously available to many users over the Internet handling different types of tasks.
Why become a Cloud Computing Specialist?
As a Cloud Computing Specialist, you will actively participate in the development of cloud-based information technology infrastructures. ‘Cloud’ basically refers to the information technology services rendered over a communication and data transmission network, the use of which could be limited to a single organization, available to many organizations, available to people at a specific geographical area, or to the public at large all over the world.
What are the basic uses of a cloud?
Cloud-based infrastructures are available-on-demand computer system resources especially used for data storage or executing small, medium to high-scale applications ranging from composing & sending an email to running a program for making meteorological predictions or studying 6 billion molecules of the human genome! Simplistically, this means virtual data centers and applications which are simultaneously available to many users over the Internet handling different types of tasks.
New Age Demands
The new “on-demand” lifestyle of the current generation of us necessitates information to be available anytime, anywhere and on any device. Mobility has become the new normal and cloud computing is the engine to deliver all of this.
Cloud computing continues to roll ahead as more and more organizations adopt this technology, but seriously, what we’re really watching is an increase in how organizations are utilizing the Internet. There are more computing resources out there, better underlying alternative systems support and a greater need to distribute data.
Ease of Access – A Cloud That We Can Finally Reach
Multiple people across geographically dispersed locations can access, store, manage, use information stored in these virtual data centers or use software programs loaded on the servers of these virtual data centers to run some functions on physical computers located anywhere in the world whenever required. These software programs ‘respond to call requests’ made by multiple people simultaneously from different parts of the world.
Why Use Cloud?
What the cloud does is help companies and individuals from investing in IT hardware and software for all the applications they need on their computers, mobile phones, and other such devices. Meaning that companies and individuals no longer have to invest in expensive hardware and software to do all the things that they want done. They can simply use applications on the cloud – processed and run on remote servers but available on local computers through the internet.
The second context is – distributed or shared computing – so that if you need a very large volume of data processing or storing or to run a complex application (which requires a high level of processing power including processor speeds and RAM), you will not have to install it on your local computer. You can run the application, process the data, and store the data remotely on one or more remote servers using cloud tech.
Take an example
‘Soundcloud’ (a website & mobile app) uses cloud computing. Musicians (called creators) register themselves and upload their music on the app. There is only 1 copy ever of every music file that’s uploaded. Listeners (called “followers”) listen to the real-time streaming for free. The best part: personal collections of tracks can be made and accessed from any device, anytime, anywhere. The music copies always stay up in the nebulous ‘cloud’. No one but Soundcloud needs to know & care about that place where all the music is stored!
With that said, let us safely get back to the types.
There are chiefly 4 separate types of clouds:
Public cloud
Public cloud is a network shared by different organizations to render services that may or may not be free of charge but is open for public use. These services are made available by a service provider for a public audience.
A particular ‘public cloud service provider’ (only a few in the market today – Amazon Web Services, Google, Microsoft, Alibaba, IBM, and Oracle)own & operate their individual cloud infrastructure entirely at their data centers and access is generally allowed to users via the Internet. Anyone can create a free Amazon Web Services (AWS) account and start practicing with the console.
All companies globally that require specific cloud computing skills or services are typically already committed to a specific cloud provider, any of these. So, before starting out to scout for jobs you will have to master any or more than one of these provider’s platforms such as the AWS console. You will also need to possess pretty good programming skills in one or the other modern scripting languages in order to find your way through these platforms.
Private cloud
A private cloud infrastructure is operated solely for a single organization, internally or by a third party. However, the implementation of such an infrastructure is controlled completely by the enterprise. They are hence also referred to as internal clouds.
Private clouds are implemented in the company’s data center. It maintains all corporate data resources under the legal umbrella of the organization. Self-run data centers are generally capital intensive, result in several additional expenses, raise various security concerns and also have to be refreshed periodically.
Community cloud
A community cloud infrastructure can be established where many organizations have similar types of requirements and seek to share the infrastructure so as to collaboratively realize some of the benefits of cloud computing. This is controlled and used by a group of organizations that have shared interests.
They are spread over fewer users than a public cloud but much more than a private cloud. As for an example think of some functions across government/ federal departments which can be carried out by establishing a common networking scenario through a community cloud, access to which is shared only between those departments.
Hybrid cloud
Hybrid cloud is a composition of a public and a private cloud. It is the more popular option among enterprises. But the challenge is connecting a public and private instance together to form a robust and secure cloud environment. It allows us to extend either the capacity or the capability of a cloud service, by integration, aggregation, or customization with another cloud service.
Take for example, an organization that may store sensitive client data internally on a private cloud, but interconnect some features of it partially to another business intelligence public cloud application shared to all its clients as a ready to use software over the Internet. Such a hybrid cloud extends the capabilities of the enterprise to deliver a specific business service to its clients.
Digging deeper.
Cloud Computing principally includes 4 service models:
Software as a Service (SaaS)
This service model allows a consumer to access any application stored in the cloud. This involves the cloud provider installing & maintaining software in the cloud and users running that software on their local computer or mobile phone or similar devices from the cloud over the Internet.
The applications are easily accessible through various client devices — for example, Zoho Books which is a cloud-based accounting solution suitable for small organizations. Organizations can also connect bank & credit card accounts to match with transactions.
Another common example would be Google Appstore on Android phones with all the applications, games, etc. provided as SaaS.
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
This service model enables users to develop, run, & manage applications without the complexity of building & maintaining the entire infrastructure traditionally in a non-cloud-based system, the steps which are typically associated while developing and before launching an app.
The cloud provider offers the networks, servers, storage, operating system (OS), middleware, database and other services to a user/ developer.
The original intent of PaaS is to simplify the code-writing process for developers, with the infrastructure & operations handled by the PaaS provider.
Originally, all PaaSes were in the public cloud. However, private & hybrid PaaS options were created later as most companies did not want to have everything in the public cloud. These are managed by internal IT departments.
If you have some application that you have written in some language, and you want to deploy (test, run or make downloadable) it over the public/ private/ hybrid cloud, you would choose something like Heroku or AWS Elastic Beanstalk. There are several others.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Infrastructure as a service is taking physical hardware and going completely virtual. This service model allows users to access the storage, networks, and any required computing resources to help them deploy and run any software.
In other words, businesses pay a monthly or annual fee to run virtual servers, networks, and storage from the cloud. This mitigates their need for a data center, heating, cooling, & maintaining all hardware at the local level. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is an example of an IaaS service provider.
Robotics as a Service (RaaS)/ Cloud Robotics
Cloud robotics attempts to invoke cloud technologies centered on shared services for robotics. This service model facilitates the seamless integration of robots& embedded devices into the Web and a cloud computing environment.
When connected to the cloud, robots can benefit from the powerful computation, storage, & communication resources of modern data centers in the cloud shared between various robots or agents (other machines, smart objects, humans, etc.). This type is emerging to be a highly prospective and industrially relevant service model given the rise of Industry 4.0.
Popular specialization in this career
Here are some popular specializations in cloud computing careers –
Cloud Computing Solutions Architect (Hardware virtualization)
Virtual means remote access. Meaning, say, 100 persons can use the same hardware located anywhere in the world – in this case a ‘virtual’ desktop is created at any 1 out of these 100 persons’ local machines. A local machine then has a virtual version of the server hardware – which further means that the operating software and the application software all sit on the remote server while a local machine is a virtual version where the applications are merely run (Only the user interfaces are displayed on the local machines while applications are actually processed at the server hardware).
Virtualization experts ensure that applications or business services do not directly depend on local hardware infrastructure. A virtual machine (VM) can be more easily controlled and inspected from a remote site than a physical machine. For example, a salesperson going to a customer with a laptop can run the required software from a virtual machine located somewhere remotely. This means that if the required software is located at a virtual location, s/he can simply use it through a remote server without having to install it on the laptop.
Like in most IT companies today, individuals are given a local machine with stripped-down hardware and software load. This is then connected to the remote server through the internet and the moment it is connected the local machine becomes a virtual main machine with some restrictions and can run any application located in the remote server through the internet/ intranet.
Cloud Computing Engineer (Security & Identity Management)
Clouds must make use of security infrastructure to enable fast and safe transfer of information. Here, security concerns fall into 2 broad categories: security issues faced by cloud providers(such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft) and security issues faced by their customers.
An organization (customer of Amazon/ Google/ Microsoft or another provider) may decide to store data or host applications on a public/ hybrid cloud. As a result, potentially sensitive data is at risk of data loss, getting malware, ransom attack, DDoS attacks, etc. as several organizations are simultaneously using the public cloud. The larger the organization, the larger is the risk.
The job of security engineers of that organization is to protect the data center servers or the main servers at the organization. So, they will deploy encryption protocols, firewalls, anti-virus software, and so on. They will run system hacks to find loopholes and ensure that the loopholes are plugged in. They will continuously monitor cyberattacks and defend against the attacks. So, these engineers are cybersecurity experts except that they work to protect the cloud infrastructure.
All cloud service providers store thousands of customers’ data on the same server viz. many such organizations together, in order to conserve resources, cut costs, and maintain efficiency. So, servers of providers will require a much higher level of security firewalls & security software. The job of security engineers working with provider companies like Amazon etc. is the same but in more robust ways.
Cloud Application Developer (Application Tools)
Development tools are for further enhancing&facilitating the cloud’s distributed computing capabilities. Cloud Application Development Architects are trained software developers dedicated to writing software codes, either to perform a fresh task or collection of tasks, to build a game or perform faster through individual add-ons or to build the next generation of firewalls.
For example, think of Google Docs, PubG or any of the Google applications from the AppStore that you can think of (whichever, whatever) are written by these developers and deployed through the public cloud. Even small enhancements, that are made every time there is a version upgrade, are done by these developers. You need not work with Google, you may have your own development company and spread your applications on the public cloud through Google AppStore.
MBaaS Specialist (Mobile “backend” as a service-MBaaS)
MBaaS Specialists deal with this service model to provide a way to link the products of application developers (third-party developed applications) to cloud storage & cloud computing services with application programming interfaces (APIs). An application program interface (API) is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications.
For example, recently a company has developed a way of using Bluetooth instead of GPS to identify a user’s proximity to a certain object which is definitely better in the case of indoor settings. Bluetooth will use lower energy for communication.
Now, without MBaaS, to build the above system an architect will be required to fire up an AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) for instance, run a Node.js server, set up & configure the database, set up the service, manage users, secure data, set up push notifications and integrate with other platforms (for e.g. iOS, Android etc.) if required. All of this is taken care of by an anMBaaS provider.
Migration & Modernization Specialists (Function as a service-FaaS, Serverless Computing)
FaaS and serverless computing are categories of cloud computing services that execute applications (sets of software codes) but do not usually ‘store’ data. One can run code sets on it without having to manage servers. It may be used to respond to web requests or even to compose & send emails.
So, experts building serverless computing/ FaaS architectures allow customers (developers) to develop, run, & manage software programs (codes) without the complexity of building & maintaining the infrastructure while developing and launching an application/ applet (small portions of applications).
You may come across the term ‘microservices’ used often today as most software codes for applications are broken down into smaller modules to make them lightweight. These micro-applications are run mostly on FaaS platforms.
Cloud Intelligence Networking Researcher (Distributed cloud)
Distributed cloud researchers assemble a cloud computing platform from a distributed set of machines at different locations (multiple geographic locations), all connected to a single network.
Distributed cloud makes communications for global services or communications within a specific region much faster. These computers located at geographically dispersed locations collaborate on computer-intensive and/or compute-intensive tasks.
Compute-intensive tasks are those which require a great deal of computation such as meteorological applications or software that feeds on genetic code etc. Computer-intensive tasks are those which require the resources of a lot of computers like in the case of ‘grid computing’ to achieve a specific task such as cryptocurrency mining.
Cloud Subject Matter Architect (Big Data cloud)
Initially, the cloud system was not adopted for dealing with Big Data such as business analytics, logistics or satellite data sourcing etc. because of the tall task of transferring huge amounts of data to the cloud and also keeping it safely there.
But now, however, most companies dealing with Big Data find cloud operations as most suitable as the speed of the internet is exceptionally improving. Subject Matter Architects building cloud platforms for storing and handling Big Data are the most desired across industry verticals today as volumes of data are being generated by the minute and the cloud becomes the preferred means of storage as well as executing application logic.
High-Performance Computing (HPC) Architect – Cloud Solutions
Cloud Computing Specialists dealing with HPC applications, which are compute-intensive tasks, build cloud-based architectures that can handle these tasks requiring a great deal of computation such as meteorological applications or software that feed on spatial disposition (geometric coordinates) of atoms in a super-large molecule etc. or other scientific number-crunching mechanisms. These consume a considerable amount of computing power & memory and were otherwise traditionally executed on clusters of computers.
What does a cloud computing specialist do?
As a Cloud Computing Solutions Architect, you will be engaged with one or more of the following roles & responsibilities as well as other associated duties:
- You will assist in the architecture, design & support of advanced computational platforms and work on projects focusing on very large distributed data storage, computation infrastructure, architecture design, new innovative cloud-based applications/ services and improving existing cloud-based service offerings. This involves writing/ editing software programs/ code sets frequently in popular scripting languages.
- You will design & extend cloud computing and big-data storage systems as well as improve automated cloud configuration, deployments, monitoring, management, and incident response.
- You will configure, administer, operate & maintain components of cloud computing platforms such as IBM Bluemix, Microsoft Azure etc.
- You will compose, develop & maintain scripts (codes or computer programs) to automate deployment (getting new software up and running properly in its environment, including installation, configuration, running, and testing) and other tasks.
- You will also be responsible for writing unit tests/ acceptance tests (software programs), and working closely with engineers to build internal tools to demonstrate performance & operational efficiency.
- You will be determining & sharing best practices in cloud performance measurement, migration, and implementation based on leading industry trends.
- You will have to work with other teams to resolve issues related to application configuration, deployment, or debugging as well as research technical alternatives and develop alternative strategies for faulty designs.
- Your work has to be compliant with infrastructure, privacy, security, cloud hosting and other policies.
How to become a cloud computing specialist – eligibility criteria
After Class 11-12:
- You can go for a Bachelor’s in Computer Science or any of the engineering fields especially Electrical/Electronics, Electronics & Communication. Information Systems Engineering or similar.
- Bachelor’s degree in Physics, Mathematics, Statistics
- You can go for a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Applications or similar
Acquiring any of these professional certifications will prove to be beneficial in the long run:
- WS Certified Solutions Architect
- Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge
- Certified OpenStack Administrator (COA)
- Cisco CCNA-Cloud
- Cloud Credential Council
- Cloud Institute Certifications
- CompTIA Cloud Essentials
- Exin Cloud Computing Foundation
- Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect
- IBM Certified Cloud Solution Architect v2
- Microsoft Cloud Certifications
- Red Hat Certified Architect: Cloud
You can study for a Bachelor’s / Master’s / Doctoral degree in any of the following fields (Note that all these fields may not offer you a degree at all three levels, that is in Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral. Some fields may offer a degree only at the Master’s or at the Doctoral level):
- Computer Science & Engineering
- Cloud Computing (Computer Science)
- Software Engineering
- Cloud Computing
- Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (Computer Science)
- Cloud Computing & Information Security
- Computer Networking (Computer Science)
- Computer Science and Management
- Information and Computer Engineering and Technologies
- Computer Networks & Information Security
- Programming and Software Engineering
- Quantum Computing
- Web Technology
Educational fees
The cost of pursuing a degree in Cloud Computing Specialist in India varies between INR 1,00,000 to INR 10,00,000 per annum.
Job Opportunities
Work in this field of Cloud Computing is not very diverse. People work mainly in IT departments of enterprises operating in different industrial sectors including automotive, manufacturing, warehouse, logistics, agriculture, healthcare, retail, banking, entertainment, cleaning, personal care, and education for a wide range of pay.
Companies that require specific Cloud Computing skills or development skills are typically already committed to a specific cloud provider, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform. All graduating Engineers/ Science graduates with some form of specialization in Cloud Computing can find excellent placements in research-oriented industries and top-ranking global companies.
You may first join as a Trainee Engineer/ Research Intern/ Graduate Trainee/ Program Extern/ Client Services Intern/ Support Intern or directly in one of these positions depending on your educational qualifications:
- Cloud Computing Architect
- Cloud Intelligence Engineer
- Cloud/OpenStack Engineer
- Cloud Computing Specialist
- Cloud System Administrator
- Migration & Modernization Specialists – Cloud Solutions
- Cloud Application Developer-Maintenance & Testing
- Cloud Computing Solutions Engineer
- Cloud Project Management
- Cloud Computing DevOps Engineer
- Enterprise Architect – Cloud
- Cloud Intelligence Networking Researcher
- Cloud Subject Matter Architect
- Cloud Systems Engineer
Various types of companies may recruit you:
- Big Data, cloud computing leviathans (large groups of companies) which are dealing with cloud data integration and data integrity offering suites of applications for power analytics and business intelligence such as Talend, IBM, Dell Boomi, Hitachi Data Systems, Oracle etc.
- Internet & IT giants and cloud platform developers such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Tencent, Twitter, Amazon Web Services etc.
- Online retailing companies such as Flipkart, Amazon Services Inc., Alibaba etc.
- Gaming, media and entertainment industry with biggies such as Nvidia, Sony Interactive Entertainment PlayStation, Electronic Arts, Blizzard Entertainment, MGM, Twentieth Century Fox etc.
- Health Tech –
- Providers of medical image and information products and technologies for acquiring, processing, managing and storing diagnostic images and related data such as Fujifilm, etc.
- Companies such as MetaMind are involved in deep learning networks, image recognition, text analysis, machines/systems/devices to cater to the healthcare sector or
- Healthcare analytics solutions & services companies such as Geneia LLC focus on improving systems to support personalized, patient-centered care
- Innovative software solutions companies that design products to protect patient safety, mitigate operational risks, and reduce the cost and time of drug development such as Covance Inc. etc.
- Consumer electronics & communications companies, TV businesses, and mobile phone businesses such as TCL Corporation, Haier, Panasonic, Sharp, Sony, Samsung, LG Electronics, JVC, Toshiba, Fujitsu and Philips etc.
- Other IT companies focused on software engineering in the field of AI such as IPSoft, OpenAI, AlphaSense, AIBrain, CloudMinds, Deepmind, H20, Iris AI, Active.ai, etc.
- Space research and administration organizations such as NASA, ISRO, etc.
- Fin-Tech – Companies that are into the BFSI industry such as insurers, consultancies, financial institutions, investment banking companies or others like Kasisto, Tesorio, Splunk, YotaScale Inc, Zestfinance, Scienaptic Systems, Underwrite.Ai, Kensho etc.
- Networking & Technology/research divisions of Deloitte, Goldman-Sachs, JP Morgan Chase.
Salary of a cloud computing specialist
In India, the salary of an entry-level cloud professional varies between Rs 5 lakh to Rs 7 lakh per annum which is greater than that of a traditional IT engineer who earns about Rs. 3 lacks to 5 lacks per annum.
At the entry-level jobs with private companies, after your post-graduation, you may expect to get about Rs. 50,000 – 90,000 or even more a month. In junior-level jobs (after 5+ years of post-graduation), you can make about Rs. 65,000 – 1,00,000 or more per month.
In mid-level jobs with private companies in India, you can expect to earn about Rs. 1,00,000 – 2,00,000 or even more a month.
The salary for an associate working in the cloud with less than 5 years of experience can range from Rs 12 to 19 lakh per annum, while a mid-level manager can easily command upwards of Rs. 20 lacks per annum.
In senior-level jobs with private companies in India, you can expect to earn about Rs. 1,50,000 – 6,00,000 or even more a month.
After a Master’s degree, a stipend in India while doing a Ph.D. is about Rs. 35,000-38,000 a month in a university or research center or as a Research Associate with a salary of about Rs. 15,000-20,000 a month.
After a Ph.D., the stipend for Post-Doctoral Fellows is Rs. 40,000-45,000 a month or as a Research Scientist/ Scientist E or similar positions in a research institution or university research center you will be remunerated according to the following.
In other organizations/companies mostly after a Ph.D. as a Scientist or after a Post-Doctoral Fellowship as a Scientist, salaries in India may vary between Rs. 50,000-1,20,000 a month or even more. Some opportunities do exist as an RA after master’s. The salary would be about Rs. 25,000-35,000 a month.
The monthly salaries of faculty approved by the Ministry of HRD (Department of Higher Education), Govt. of India are:
- Assistant Professor Grade-II: Rs 57700 to Rs 117200
- Assistant Professor Grade I: Rs 101500 to Rs 204700
- Associate Professor: Rs 139600 to Rs 211300
- Professor: Rs 144200 to Rs 224100
Major opportunities today are concentrated at these locations Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune, Vizag, Chennai, and Delhi in declining order of abundance.
Global (US)
At the entry-level jobs, after your Master’s degree depending upon the institution where you are graduating from, you may expect to get about, USD 2500 – 6200or, even more, a month. Work opportunities are rare for graduates from India who have completed their post-graduation in the US. Most recruiters operating in this field will require you to be a green card holder, national citizen or permanent resident in the country.
However, if you can obtain an advanced degree (in healthcare, management, IT, robotics, AI, ML, etc.) after your post-graduation in a relevant discipline there, you may start with temporary or assistive roles like that of a Graduate/ Doctoral/ Higher Level/ Part-time Teaching Assistant or Graduate Program Assistant or Summer Intensive Instructor or at similar positions and then gradually work your way up the ladder.
For larger MNCs (think Microsoft, Google, etc.) with operational units in India, you may be placed on a temporary/ contractual basis for project-based work at international locations while you are permanently posted in India. Some do get permanently transferred to such locations too however that is few and far between.
With junior-level jobs, you may expect to earn around USD 4000-8500 a month or more depending on your job location and role.
In mid-level jobs, you can expect to earn about USD 5000 – 10200 or, even more, a month.
In senior-level jobs, you can expect to earn about USD 6500-18000 or, even more, a month. Senior corporate leadership positions such as the roles of Senior Director, Infrastructure Engineering or Chief Information Technology Officer get much more than this (usually a 7-figure sum); their total remuneration including performance bonuses could be as high as 2 million dollars a year.
Career progression in this profession
If you join as a Trainee Engineer/ Research Intern/ Graduate Intern/ Program Intern/ Client Services Intern/ Support Intern, then after the completion of your training, you will be positioned as Cloud Computing Architect/ Cloud Intelligence Engineer/OpenStack Engineer/ Cloud Computing Specialist/ Cloud Computing Solutions Engineer or in similar positions. However, if you join after your post-graduation or have higher advanced qualifications in a relevant discipline, you can surpass traineeship/ internship to directly get a job as anyone of these positions.
After 5-7+ years of experience, you can expect to become a Cloud Intelligence Senior Engineer, Senior Platform Engineer, Tech Lead, Principal DevOps/Cloud Architect, Principal Storage Engineer, Senior Tech Lead, Product Manager, Deputy/ Assistant Manager, etc.
After 8-12+ years in this field, you can grow into roles like that of a Senior Principal Cloud Computing Engineer, Manager-Infrastructure Support Services; Cloud Solutions Manager; Delivery Manager; Senior Manager Enterprise Infrastructure or similar roles.
Then after 15+ years of experience, you may grow as a Member of Technical Staff, Cloud Backup; Head of Engineering, AI & Machine Learning; Vice President, Enterprise Cloud & DevOps Practice; Area Vice President; Vice President, Cloud Operations; Senior Vice President, Technology Risk; Corporate Vice President, Strategy & Internal Consulting; Director of Infrastructure and Operations; Director Enterprise Architecture Strategy; Managing Director, Endpoint Engineering; Senior Director, Infrastructure Engineering; Chief Information Technology Officer (CITO), CEO or similar roles.
What does industry trends say – future prospects
The future of this pathway seems extremely bright especially as the industry statistics are very encouraging.
Cloud Computing provides a whole new world of jobs, applications, services, and platforms. Most companies today require a place where they can securely store their data and this is increasingly becoming irresolvable as data is being continuously generated at a high volume must faster than the rate of expansion of ideal secure storage spaces.
Almost 2/3rd of global enterprises are using cloud computing today. Companies are currently investing 4.5 times the rate of traditional IT spending in cloud infrastructure, and it is expected to grow even faster by 2020. India is expected to see more than 1 million cloud computing job roles by 2022 since more and more organizations are shifting their operations to cloud infrastructure. As the Indian cloud computing market, which was at USD 2.2 billion in 2018, is expected to grow to USD 4 billion in 2020.
However, the industry has a dearth of talent with more than 1.7 million cloud jobs worldwide remaining vacant and there is only 1 qualified candidate for 100 job postings in cloud computing across the globe.
The Global Cloud Computing Market size is expected to grow from USD 272.0 billion in 2018 to USD 623.3 billion by 2023, at a rate of 18.0% compounded annually. Retail & consumer goods are one of the fastest-growing verticals. North America is the most mature market in terms of cloud computing services adoption primarily because of the presence of many enterprises with advanced IT infrastructure and the availability of technical expertise.
The Healthcare Cloud Computing market worldwide is projected to grow by USD 31.1 billion to reach over USD 23.9 billion by the year 2025, at a rate of 20.6% compounded annually. SaaS displays the potential to grow at over 21.7%.
Global Cloud-based Smart Robotics (Cloud Robotics) Market is expected to reach USD 11.3 billion by 2023. The major end-users where cloud robotics is used include automotive, manufacturing, warehouse, logistics, agriculture, healthcare, retail, banking, entertainment, cleaning, personal care, and education. The first four are industrial end-users, the next four are commercial end-users and the rest are from the consumer products sector. The Multi-Cloud Management Market size is expected to grow from USD 1,169.5 million in 2017 to USD 4,492.7 million by 2022, at a rate of 30.9% compounded annually. The most important growth factors include the need for business agility, faster deployment & scalability and increasing awareness about the cloud among enterprises globally.
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