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Transform Your Career Decisions
With Our Career Assessment Test!

iDreamCareer’s Psychometric Assessment Test is one of the most valuable tools comprising of 16 page in depth report. Find your best suited career with our psychometric test. Know about yourself and explore ideal career options.
Know your personality

How Can a Student Benefit From Career Guidance Test?

know your personality

Know your personality type​

Take career assessment test to understand your personality archetypes. Know your talents and hidden personalities

acknowledge your interests

Acknowledge your interests​

Discover things that interests you and take actionable steps to improve. Find what really excites you and plan a career around it

understand yourself better

Understand yourself better​

Career assessment test makes you aware of your own true self. The key to growth and opportunities hails from self-awareness

Why Psychometric Test For Career Evaluation is Important?

Know yourself.
Make the best of career decisions

Find out what engages you the most; what you really like doing and what you don’t, understand what you are good at and enhance your knowledge in areas you wish to pursue your career in. 

iDreamCareer’s career assessment tool helps you realise who you really are and empowers you in making the best of career decisions throughout. 

what's in for you

What's In the Career Guidance Test?

Explore more programs relevant to you!


A psychometric career assessment test evaluates an individual's personality, aptitudes, interests, and skills to determine suitable career paths. These tests use standardized questions and metrics to provide insights into a person's strengths and preferences, aiding in career planning and development.
The duration of the psychometric assessment test, which is conducted online, is 90 minutes. It gives you a 16-page in-depth report based on the answers and your interests and passion. It helps your career counselors make you an informed career choice
Career guidance tests assess an individual's interests, skills, values, and personality traits through various questionnaires and assessments. The results help identify suitable career paths by matching personal characteristics with potential professions, providing insights into strengths and preferences to guide career decisions.
A career aptitude test can help you identify your strengths, interests, and skills, providing valuable insights into suitable career paths. It can save time and effort by narrowing down options that align with your natural abilities and preferences, leading to a more fulfilling and successful career choice.
There are several reliable career aptitude tests available. iDreamCareer's psychometric assessment test gauges students on 16 essential factors, spanning aptitude, personality dimensions, and interests, and is offered in English, Hindi, and 7 regional languages.


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