In today’s era where everything is rapidly transforming to a digital platform, online entrance exams are no exception. All the entrance exams are now conducted online and like everything, there are benefits as well as some challenges which you may face in this pattern. To make you aware of these challenges, this blog talks about key tips for online entrance exams and how you can prepare to perform well.
You only get one attempt at these entrance exams in a given year and so it’s important that you overcome these challenges before you head out. Follow the below-mentioned tips for entrance exams and get ready for the competition.
- Get accustomed to reading online: During the exam, your eyes would be glued to the computer screen for 2 – 3 hours at a stretch which is not easy. For many of us sitting in front of a computer for more than an hour is nothing less than a headache; hence you should gradually get yourself adjusted to this. So start today, create a habit to read online news, blogs, etc daily as much as possible.
- Practice makes a man perfect: As the saying goes, it’s all about practice. A simple mantra of success in any competitive exam is Practice, Practice, and More Practice! It will give you a grip on your subject, the tricks, and techniques which in turn will improve your chances to crack it. Since childhood we have gotten accustomed to the traditional method of examination, where we use to practice writing in speed to complete the question paper in time; online exams, on the other hand, need you to become more efficient at using a computer. Give multiple mock tests to become familiar with the online pattern; it will also help you understand how to complete the paper in the required deadline and master the login process. Remember my child it’s not rational to do experiments on the day of your examination!
- Read instructions thoroughly: Don’t be in a haste to get started with the examination. Instructions can guide you on how to go about the exam in the best possible way. Before the beginning of any examination, you should religiously dedicate 10 – 15 minutes to read the instructions. Act smart and don’t waste this time peeping in other terminals as you cannot afford to refer back to these instructions once you begin your exam. Little concentration, in the beginning, will be of great help and will save time during the exam.
- Time management skills: Strategize and then go for it; you should have a clear picture in your mind about the sequence of sections to attempt and the time limit for each section. For the exams that follow the sectional cutoff patterns, do not stick to one section for more than the desired time. My sincere advice to you doesn’t leave your weakest section for the end. Trust me, in those last few minutes, the ticking clock will hamper your productivity; be in your comfort zone, play smart and score well.
- Utilize your time wisely: As per the pattern of online exams, only one question will be visible at a time so don’t waste time visiting all the questions. The smart thing would be, to move sequentially and choose wisely my child. Avoid the hit and try the method, pick those questions on which you have full confidence. Remember the motive is not to solve all the questions rather it’s the choice of questions that will be a game-changer. Don’t cling to one question, keep going forward and you can always come back to those questions later.
- Don’t get anxious: We know there’s a flip side to the timer on the screen and it may get on your nerves, however, just relax and keep your cool. Don’t let this ticking clock overpower you else all your efforts and preparations might go in sheer vain. Remember the timer only serves as a reminder; liberate yourself from all kinds of anxiety then only you will be able to give your best shot.
Read Also: How to Prepare for CUET Exam
Exam times can be overwhelming and we all wish to work smartly and save time from irrelevant study materials and useless tips. Also while preparing especially for entrance exams, where competition is extremely high, we know what a student wants to know and that’s why we hope these tips will prove helpful to prepare you for your next online exam.
By Palak Arora
The iDC Editorial Team brings in a collective work experience of more than 25 years in diverse fields spanning from career counselling, management consulting, engineering, and technology to science, finance, and humanities. The team’s key competencies are in research and analysis of careers, jobs, and industries. The team boasts a few best-in-class writers on careers and education.