CBSE 12th Standard Date Sheet is OUT! Here is EVERYTHING you Need to KNOW!

The Central Board of Secondary Education released the CBSE Board Exam date sheet 2023 on 29th December 2022. CBSE has already announced that the final exams for these classes will start on 15th February 2023.

Bonus Tips so you are better prepared to tackle the Exams!

Before preparing for the exams, students should familiarize themselves with the syllabus and exam pattern. 1. Along with CBSE, study NCERT books to complete the syllabus and solve the questions presented in the books. 2. Make short notes, formulas, and other important preparations. This will help in remembering the topics easily. 3. Revise the CBSE Class 12th Syllabus 2023. Work on your weak points. 4. Students should effectively follow the schedule at home during preparation. Consult with teachers to get rid of doubts 5. Solving CBSE 2023 Class 12 sample papers to get an idea about the time format and type of questions in the exams.

DOWNLOAD THE DATESHEET HERE! Highlight that the Date Sheet Can be Found here!